Sunday, September 23, 2007


I was just looking at a few people's blogs and I realized that I didn't put my timeline up yet, so I will do that now. Its Sunday and the project is due on Tuesday so I don't really have much time left. I decided last week that making lifesized cars was too much for me to do in the time we had left so I was wondering about changing my topic but there really wasn't time for that either. So I am sticking with my parking topic and instead of the cars I am just making posters. I have one done and I am currently workinh on another. I don't know how many I am going to make. I am using gold (yellow) and black paint because I think it will grab the attention of the students better. I am also going to attach a comment box on each poster I make. I am still not 100 percent sure that I will be allowed to post the posters but I am going to put them up anyway, I am going to put them up Monday late at night so when everyone gets there on Tuesday the posters will be waiting for them. Thats where I am with the project so far and what I still have left to do.

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